Digestive upsets are common in dogs. Constipation and diarrhoea are amongst the most frequently presented conditions seen in clinical practice as it can cause considerable distress to their owners.
Photographed below are before and after x-rays of a Corgi suffering with digestive issues. These are the actual x-rays provided by a Mervue Laboratories’ customer which show the progress of the dog using DIAGEL.
The non-digestible water soluble fibres in the DIAGEL formula form a gel (mucous) in the intestine to help soften the faeces relieving the constipation. DIAGEL is a dietetic feed stuff specifically formulated by Mervue Laboratories to provide intestinal support to dogs with gastrointestinal disturbances including diarrhoea and constipation.
DIAGEL contains psyllium which absorbs liquids and toxins and helps to normalise the faeces in the case of diarrhoea. DIAGEL will also absorb liquid, which helps to soften the stools and aid the passing of stools in dogs experiencing constipation. DIAGEL also contains dextrose as an energy source and several B vitamins. The B vitamins are typically synthesised by the good bacteria in the normal health intestine, so their supplementation during times of digestive upset is very important.
**This x- Ray image is an actual x-ray taken of a Corgi patient with digestive issues. The above photo of the Corgi is a stock image used to represent the breed and age of the canine.
For more information please visit: https://mervuelaboratories.com/products/diagel-for-cats-dogs