Naturally Supporting Immunity & Gut Health in young calves
Crytosporidiosis: is a common cause of diarrhoea. It can be very frustrating to deal with as it is not easily treatable, is difficult or impossible to get rid of completely and calves can remain stunted long after the disease has gone. Specifically, cryptosporidiosis refers to diarrhoea caused by the protozoal organism Cryptosporidium parvum. Many diseases we normally deal with are caused by bacteria which can often be treated with antibiotics. However, protozoal organisms and in particular cryptosporidium are generally more difficult to deal with.
Naturally Supporting:
✓The Gut in situations of Diarrhoea
✓Calf Health, Immunity & Performance
✓Natural Feed Additive
✓Retention of Nutrients
1 drum of 5L Encrypt = 70 calf days
Feeding Instructions
Feed orally or in milk.
To Naturally Support Immunity:
Calves: 60ml once a day for 7 to 12 days.
In situations of digestive disturbance:
Calves: 60ml twice a day for 4 days as directed by veterinary surgeon.